Primo Pro Clays are coming in from Europe. Most are listed below. 

Prices here are for individual bags. Making an order of 100kg of clay whether one or a mixture of different clays will give you a discounted price. See the pricelist. 

A new PrimoPro White-


White Body similar to PW20

1200 to 1260 degrees firing range. 

Buff Clay with speckle. 10kg $43

20% grog up to 0.5mm granular size. 

1000 to 1250 degrees firing range. 

Grey Clay with Speckle. 10kg $43

20% Grey grog up to 0.5mm granular size

1000 to 1250 degrees firing range. 

Cream Clay with Speckle. 10kg $43

25% grog very fine up to 0.2mm granular size.

1000 to 1280 degrees firing range. 

Black Stoneware Nigra. 10kg $45

20% fine grog up to 0.2mm granular size.

1000 to 1240 degrees firing range. 

Great clay for sculptural works.

Not recommended for domesticware as the fired works don't like boiling water. 

Toast RW1802  $35

18% fine grog up to 0.2mm granular size.

1000 to 1240 degrees firing range. 

RTM 5015 Sculptural Stoneware 10kg $40

50% Chamotte (grog) up to 1.5mm granular size.

Good characteristics in drying and firing due to high Chamotte. This clay is recommended for modelling and sculptural works. 

1000degrees to 1280degrees range. 

R Terracotta 10kg $30

A good plastic Terracotta clay. 

Good for modelling and for the wheel. 

Max temp 1200degrees

Red Stoneware 10kg $35

Similar characteristics to R Terracotta but a few more dollars to buy!!

Max temp 1220degrees

Red Stoneware Grogged 10kg $37

25% Chamotte (grog) with up to 0.5mm granular size.

Red Stoneware. 

Max temp 1220degrees

W White Stoneware 10kg $35

A plastic clay. Cream in colour. 

The higher you fire the better for vitrification. 

Max temp 1280degrees

W2502 White Stoneware 10kg $35

25% very fine Chamotte (grog). granular max size 0.2mm.

PRGF 4005 High Grog Clay 12.5kg $45